I have one guest VM(windows 7) running on VMWare in the MAC OSX host. When I use "NAT" mode, the guest VM has no problem getting IP etc. to connect to internet. However, when I change to use "bridge" mode, the guest OS can't connect to internet. How to fix this?
I had the same issue with VMWare Workstation 11. It apparently started happening AFTER I upgraded to: 11.1.2 build-2780323 although it may have been the addition of a Juniper or Hamachi network client.
I had used "Bridged" for each VM but after the upgrade, I encountered connectivity problems. After I set the NIC to NAT, it started working.
Here is how I was able to resolve the issue and start using "Bridged" network adapter again:
Now, the "Bridged" setting should work or at least it did for me. Go back and change any that you had changed to NAT to get them working.