Search code examples

Angular.js autocomplete with $http.get TypeError: Cannot read property 'success' of undefined

With this code i always get TypeError: Cannot read property 'success' of undefined. I've tried also with .then instead of .success but i get the same error. After plus than ten hours of googling i'm a little bit desperate...


<div ng-controller="search_interest" layout="column">
    <md-chips ng-model="ctrl.selectedVegetables" md-autocomplete-snap md-require-match>
            md-items="item in getInterest(searchText)"
            placeholder="Search for a vegetable">
            <span md-highlight-text="searchText">{{}} :: {{item.type}}</span>

And the js:

var app = angular.module('autocomplete_app', ['ngMaterial']);

    function($scope, $http){
        $scope.searchText = '';
        $scope.selectedItem = undefined;
        function getInterest($scope){
            $http.get("someurl.php?query=" + $scope.searchText)
                    $scope.interest = data;
                    console.log('data', JSON.stringify(data));


  • The problem wasn't your http call but the calls that the angular materials import done, as you can see in the bellow image that the problem was on the angularjs-materials.js on line 10.

    console image

    enter image description here

    you can look at this version: I've add the plunker in the comment above.

    I've changed a bit the header of the HTML page. this is not working because I can't call for the URL you requested but on your solution should work.