I have this multimap
inside a Bar class
, with an unsigned long
and a reference to the Foo class
class Bar
struct map_sort
bool operator()(const unsigned long& e1, const unsigned long& e2) const
return (e2 < e1);
std::multimap<const unsigned long,const Foo&, map_sort> m_map;
find_and_erase(const unsigned long var1, const Foo& var2);
And now I want to retrieve all the values from the multimap and erase some.
void Bar::find_and_erase(const unsigned long var1, const Foo& var2)
auto it = m_map.begin();
for (it=m_map.begin(); it!=m_map.end(); ++it)
const unsigned long first = (*it).first;
const Foo& second = (*it).second;
if((first == var1) && (second == var2)) //<----ERROR No Match for operator==
How can I compare the (second == var2)
(What I want is to find all entries from a multimap, and delete the ones on the find_and_erase()
function, that matches the function argument. Don't know if there is an easier solution for this)
Define the equality function for Foo
bool operator==(const Foo& a, const Foo& b) {
// return whether Foos are equal
If you define that one, you'll also want to define !=
for completeness:
bool operator=!(const Foo& a, const Foo& b) { return !operator==(a,b); }
Also, as per n.m.'s comment, given that you have a multimap
you should take advantage of it:
void Bar::find_and_erase(const unsigned long var1, const Foo& var2)
auto its = m_map.equal_range(var1);
for (auto it = its.first; it != its.second; ++it) {
if (it.second == var2) {