I would like to write a function to return an array of integers so I can index them, but I am not aware of the syntax for VBA. Here is the pseudo code:
function getStats() as integer
dim returnVal(4) as integer
end function
msgbox getStats(3)
where these values are all integers, or should be, and then I can index the return array for the stat that I want.
How can I return an array from a function?
Function getStats() As Variant
getstats = Array(c2percent14, c3percent14, c4percent14, c5percent14)
End Function
Sub mysub()
Dim myArray() As Variant
myArray = getStats()
msgbox myArray(3)
End Sub
is now an Array of type ´Variant´. The drawback of this method is that you effectively have no static typing anymore, since Variant could be anything.