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Setting hyperparameters of the LDA model in vowpal wabbit

I am a typical, regular, everyday Spark user. In Spark's LDA there are hyperparameters thats stands for

docConcentration: Hyperparameter for prior over documents’ distributions over topics. Currently must be > 1, where larger values encourage smoother inferred distributions. topicConcentration: Hyperparameter for prior over topics’ distributions over terms (words). Currently must be > 1, where larger values encourage smoother inferred distributions.

which corresponds to typically assigned in the literature $\alpha$ and $\beta$ parameters for which (and $k$ - number of topics) the log-likelihood function of the LDA model is optimized during the convergence process.

Does anyone know if there is any option to set such arguments/parameters prior in vowpal wabbit's LDA model?


  • Check this description of vw lda.! I think the parameters mentioned on 13th slide might be the ones that you are looking for.