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LaTeX: remove left margin of listing inside a table

Using LaTeX, I need to show some code snippet inside a table. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do:

Par exemple :
Méthode & Description & Exemple d'utilisation\\
\texttt{isLetter()}& Indique si le caractère est une lettre de l'alphabet. &
QChar MyChar('x');
bool IsLetter = MyChar.isLetter();
\end{lstlisting} \\
\texttt{toUpper()}& Retourne le même caractère mais en majuscules. & toto \\

Here is the result I get :


As you can see, there is a margin on the left of the code. I guess this margin is there for numbering, but I don't need numbering and would like to get rid of it. I've tried changing some options (numbersep, xleftmargin) but none is working as I wish.


Here is the full document demonstrating the problem :


   \item Par exemple :
      Méthode & Description & Exemple d'utilisation\\
      \texttt{isLetter()}& Indique si le caractère est une lettre de l'alphabet. &
QChar MyChar('x');
bool IsLetter = MyChar.isLetter();
// IsLetter vaut vrai
QChar MyChar2('&');
IsLetter = MyChar2.isLetter();
// IsLetter vaut faux
      \texttt{toUpper()}& Retourne le même caractère mais en majuscules. & toto \\

I can deduce that the problem is because the table is in a item of an enumeration.

Is there a way to solve this ?


  • Yes, the margin is indeed coming from the enumeration. But luckily, the package documentation of the listing package notes:

    resetmargins= true|false (default: false)

    If true, indention from list environments like enumerate or itemize is reset, i.e. not used.

    Therefore, the following should help:

