am new and just started using weechat, irc terminal client. And also installed weeget to help me install weechat scripts directly on my weechat-curses opened window.
Now problem arises as I was done downloading weeget in, ~/.weechat/scripts/autoload/.
then entered in my weechat-curses and joined server I tried the command /weeget list which should list available scripts for download but it took a long time downloading (that explains my slow internet) but this never completed for a while,
then I tried listing my installed scripts with /weeget listinstalled
and it's when I started getting the error, weeget:unable to parse xml list of scripts.
Exited with /exit
command, then reopened weechat, connected to server, tried to list installed scripts only.. still same error.
Please help.. :)
Am so new yet, so outdated, there is already support for searching and downloading scripts from weechat itself, I didn't know this until I watched on a youtube video, anyway the /script
command directly from weechat comes built in for newer versions I guess, and it worked magic..