I am using IList from the excellent Delphi framework Spring4D by Stefan Glienke.
I have a list IList and I refill this list many times during my application is run. So, after two or three hours I have a memory overflow of my list.
This is how I populate my list:
list := TCollections.CreateList<TVisitor>;
for i := 0 to dataSet.RecordCount - 1 do begin
item := TVisitor.Create ();
item.Surname := dataSet.FieldByName ( 'firstname' ).AsString;
item.Name := dataSet.FieldByName ( 'secondname' ).AsString;
item.Patronymic := dataSet.FieldByName ( 'thirdname' ).AsString;
item.CardNumber := dataSet.FieldByName ( 'cardnumber' ).AsString;
list.Add ( item );
dataSet.Next ();
The Clear() method doesn't free a memory, so each time I fill my list the Windows Task Manager inc memory usage of my application :(
Your list does not free the TVisitor
Create is like this: