Using python 3.4 and I have a problem with a small part of a larger program I am working on. For this part I need to compare column A of two excel sheets 'Bookings.xlsx' and 'Forced.xlsx'.
Column A contains booking numbers in both sheets, bookings.xlsx contains the data I need (in the same row) for every booking number in forced.xlsx
Here is the part I'm having trouble with.
reloc_sheet = reloc_book.sheet_by_index(0)
forced_sheet = forced_book.sheet_by_index(0)
bookings_sheet = bookings_book.sheet_by_index(0)
forced_rentals = []
for force_row in range(4,forced_sheet.nrows): #row 0:3 are headers
Fnum = forced_sheet.cell(force_row, 0)
for book_row in range(1,bookings_sheet.nrows): #row 0 is a header
Bnum = bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,0)
if Fnum == Bnum:
booNum = str(bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,0))
renCODate = bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,2)
renCOLoc = str(bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,4))
renUnit = str(bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,13))
renAgent = str(bookings_sheet.cell(book_row,12))
forced_rentals += [[booNum,renCODate,renCOLoc,renUnit,renAgent]]
So as far as I understand, this should look at the each booking number in the 'forced' sheet (variable Fnum) and compare it against the 'bookings' sheet (variable Bnum) and when it finds a match it will add the appropriate data from that row to the list 'forced_rentals'.
The problem is that after this loop has finished, the list is empty but it should have found 632 matches and therefore contain 632 nested lists. I'm sure it's a really simple solution but I can't figure it out.
I have solved my problem. First of all here is the snippet of code which now works:
forced_rentals = []
for force_row in range(4,forced_sheet.nrows):
Fnum = forced_sheet.cell_value(force_row, 0)
Fnum_type = type(Fnum)
if type(Fnum) is float:
Fnum = str(Fnum)
Fnum = Fnum.replace('.0','')
if Fnum[-2:] == '/1':
Fnum = Fnum.replace('/1','')
for book_row in range(1,bookings_sheet.nrows):
Bnum = bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,0)
Bnum_type = type(Bnum)
if type(Bnum) is float:
Bnum = str(Bnum)
Bnum = Bnum.replace('.0','')
if Bnum[-2:] == '/1':
Bnum = Bnum.replace('/1','')
if Fnum == Bnum:
booNum = str(bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,0))
renCODate = bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,2)
renCOLoc = str(bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,4))
renUnit = str(bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,13))
renAgent = str(bookings_sheet.cell_value(book_row,12))
forced_rentals += [[booNum,renCODate,renCOLoc,renUnit,renAgent]]
1) An all number Bnum
or Fnum
variable would either be a string eg '7123456' or a float 7123456.0 which wasn't being recognised as the same value. Converting to string by would simply make the float '7123456.0' again not the same. I solved this by:
if type(Fnum) is float:
Fnum = str(Fnum)
Fnum = Fnum.replace('.0','')
This converts a float to a string and removes the '.0'
2) Next issue came when I realised that not all booking numbers (Bnum
and Fnum
variables) will include a /1. Rental 7123456 and rental 7123456/1 are the same but our report server (which generates the excel sheets) will use the two interchangeably meaning the forced sheet may have 7123456 and the booking sheet have 7123456/1. In order to compensate for this I added this:
if Fnum[-2:] == '/1':
Fnum = Fnum.replace('/1','')
This will look for any booking number ending with '/1' and remove it.