I am trying to write a pandas DataFrame df
to a csv-file using pandas' to_csv
method with the following line:
df.to_csv(f, index=False, header=False, decimal=',', sep=' ', float_format='%.3f')
Which gives a csv-file like the following:
295.998 292.500 293.000 293.000
295.998 292.500 293.000 293.000
295.998 292.500 293.000 293.000
So the float_format
option works pretty well, as all numbers have three decimal digits. However, the decimal
option (decimal = ','
) does not seem to work, since the decimal sign is a dot and not a comma.
What I am interested is something like the following:
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000
How can I convience pandas to use three decimal digits and the desired comma as decimal sign?
This behaviour is probably a bug in pandas version 0.15.2 since it works fine after updating to version 0.16.2 using the following command:
sudo pip3 install -U pandas
Which could be checked by
import pandas as pd
By using the commands provided in the question the resulting csv-file looks as desired:
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000
295,998 292,500 293,000 293,000