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  vs Α displaying in browser and source

I would like Α to display as A in the browser, but remain Α in my source code. My reason is that I would like to store the code in a SQL table as Α. However, anytime I add the literal Α and view the source code, I see A. Since this text might be resent back to the database (as input in a form), I lose the Α version.

I don't seem to have this problem with the   which is the behavior I'm looking for.

Any suggestions?


  • Α stays the same when viewing the source code in a separate browser window. I inserted Α into my own MySQL table called 'test' using the command below, and it remains the same.

    INSERT INTO test (column1, column2) VALUES ('Α', ' ');

    Perhaps you were using an element inspector to view the source code? That is when Α will appear as A. This happens to other special character codes such as © (©) and ► (►).

    If this is the case, then consider right clicking and selecting View Page Source or similar option instead.