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angular ng-pattern match any non-word, non-space, non-digit not working?

<script src=""></script>

<div ng-app>
    <form class="edit-segment edit-form" name="form">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="dname" name="name" maxlength="100" ng-pattern="/[A-z0-9 ]+/" ng-required='true' />

the pattern is:
/[A-z0-9 ]+/

For some reason this angular-infused html is not acting the way i'm expecting. What I'm expecting to happen is that as soon as a user enters a non-word, non-digit, non-space character, that the input becomes invalid, so $$valid should be false.

Instead what happens is, as long as what you input contains a letter, number or space, the input becomes $valid becomes true.
is valid

is not valid.

is valid.

is valid.

kjkljd lkjsdf 90
is valid.

The only one that should be valid is the last one... My understanding of ng-pattern, which is evidently wrong, is that the input only valid as long as the characters entered match the regex in ng-pattern.

What's going on here?
Why is the behavior I'm expecting not the behavior that I'm getting?


  • The pattern should probably be /^[A-z0-9 ]+$/, where the ^ and $ symbols mean "begins with" and "ends with" respectively. This will mean that the regex will match exactly and only your character class.