I've been following the steps in the Dashing workshop here: https://github.com/Shopify/dashing/wiki/Dashing-Workshop
This is my first time working with Dashing and I'm trying to get familiar with how it all works.
I've been trying to get my dashboard to display a widget as in the above link but no widget will appear. I've gotten through step 3 up to the point where I'm supposed to curl the api.
So I type the following into my command line:
curl -d "{\"auth_token\": \"ABC\", \"value\": 300 }" http://localhost:3030/widgets/response_time
and I get the error invalid API key. As a result my dashboard doesn't end up displaying my widget. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong however because my auth_token is set to ABC in my config.ru file.
Does anyone know what could be causing this problem? If anymore of my code is needed just let me know.
Edit: So I figured out that two things were going on here. The reason my widgets weren't displaying was because I didn't have Node.JS installed. Now my widget is displaying but I'm still getting the invalid API key error.
This issue was resolved by installing Node.JS, restarting my cmd line and recurling the url.