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How to create frequency tables with xtabs

> data(infert, package = "datasets")
> tt = xtabs(~education + induced + spontaneous, data = infert)
> ftable(tt)
                  spontaneous  0  1  2
education induced                     
0-5yrs    0                    2  1  1
          1                    1  0  1
          2                    6  0  0
6-11yrs   0                   46 19 13
          1                   15  9  3
          2                   10  5  0
12+ yrs   0                   19 27 15
          1                   29  7  3
          2                   13  3  0

xtabs generates nice tables, but I'm wondering if there's a way to also have it show the row totals and column totals. Also, is it possible for it to show some sort of frequency i.e. N/row total and N/column total?

I have tried the CrossTable function in the gmodels package, and it works very nicely. However, it seems to only work for 2 variables, whereas I would like to compare 2+ variables at once.

> library(gmodels)
> CrossTable(infert$education, infert$induced, expected = TRUE)

   Cell Contents
|                       N |
|              Expected N |
| Chi-square contribution |
|           N / Row Total |
|           N / Col Total |
|         N / Table Total |

Total Observations in Table:  248 

                 | infert$induced 
infert$education |         0 |         1 |         2 | Row Total | 
          0-5yrs |         4 |         2 |         6 |        12 | 
                 |     6.919 |     3.290 |     1.790 |           | 
                 |     1.232 |     0.506 |     9.898 |           | 
                 |     0.333 |     0.167 |     0.500 |     0.048 | 
                 |     0.028 |     0.029 |     0.162 |           | 
                 |     0.016 |     0.008 |     0.024 |           | 
         6-11yrs |        78 |        27 |        15 |       120 | 
                 |    69.194 |    32.903 |    17.903 |           | 
                 |     1.121 |     1.059 |     0.471 |           | 
                 |     0.650 |     0.225 |     0.125 |     0.484 | 
                 |     0.545 |     0.397 |     0.405 |           | 
                 |     0.315 |     0.109 |     0.060 |           | 
         12+ yrs |        61 |        39 |        16 |       116 | 
                 |    66.887 |    31.806 |    17.306 |           | 
                 |     0.518 |     1.627 |     0.099 |           | 
                 |     0.526 |     0.336 |     0.138 |     0.468 | 
                 |     0.427 |     0.574 |     0.432 |           | 
                 |     0.246 |     0.157 |     0.065 |           | 
    Column Total |       143 |        68 |        37 |       248 | 
                 |     0.577 |     0.274 |     0.149 |           | 

Statistics for All Table Factors

Pearson's Chi-squared test 
Chi^2 =  16.53059     d.f. =  4     p =  0.002383898 


  • You can generate frequency tables with prop.table and add margins with addmargins

    data(infert, package='datasets')
    prop.table(addmargins(xtabs(~education + induced + spontaneous, data=infert)))