I am busy building a Restful API in Laravel 5.1 where the API version is passed through the header. This way I can version the features rather than copy and pasting a whole route group and increment the version number.
The problem I'm having is that I would like to have versioned methods, IE:
public function store_v1 (){ }
I have added a middleware on my routes where I capture the version from the header, but now need to modify the request to choose the correct method from the controller.
Route::group(['middleware' => ['apiversion']], function()
Route::post('demo', 'DemoController@store');
public function handle($request, Closure $next)
$action = app()->router->getCurrentRoute()->getActionName();
// dd($action)
// returns "App\Http\Controllers\DemoController@store"
From here on, I would attach the header version to the $action and then pass it through the $request so that it reaches the correct method.
Well, that is the theory anyway.
Any ideas on how I would inject actions into the Route?
I think Middleware might not be the best place to do that. You have access to the route, but it doesn't offer a away to modify the controller method that will be called.
Easier option is to register a custom route dispatcher that handling the logic of calling controller methods based on the request and the route. It could look like that:
class VersionedRouteDispatcher extends Illuminate\Routing\ControllerDispatcher {
public function dispatch(Route $route, Request $request, $controller, $method)
$version = $request->headers->get('version', 'v1'); // take version from the header
$method = sprintf('%s_%s', $method, $version); // create target method name
return parent::dispatch($route, $request, $controller, $method); // run parent logic with altered method name
Once you have this custom dispatcher, register it in your AppServiceProvider:
public function register() {
$this->app->singleton('illuminate.route.dispatcher', VersionedRouteDispatcher::class);
This way you'll overwrite the default route dispatcher with your own one that will suffix controller method names with the version taken from request header.