I wanted to update vif_model of already created port. I use following command in CLI
neutron port-update --binding:vif_model=avp <port_id>
How to achieve the same using python apis of neutron. I'm trying to use update_port() api. But not sure about parameters.
>>> from neutronclient.neutron import client
>>> neutron = client.Client('2.0', endpoint_url=neutron_endpoint, token=tok)
>>> help(neutron.update_port)
gives below hint :
Help on function with_params in module neutronclient.v2_0.client:
with_params(*args, **kwargs)
I looked at the Nova source for an example of how the update_port
call is usually used, and it looks like you would call it something like this:
{'binding:vif_type': 'avp'}})