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Cardinality and foreign key relationship

I am new to database design and am trying to understand the best practice for using foreign keys. I know that when you have a 1:m relationship, we don't have to create a relation for the relationship; instead we could add a foreign key to the m-side of the relationship(which corresponds to the primary key on the 1-side) so as to preserve referential integrity. My question however is: Under what other circumstances could we do the same? Can we do the same when we have a 0..1 to 1 or 1-1 relationship as well? What is the best practice for this type of situation when referential integrity is as important as the computational cost?


  • There are three possible approaches when we are mapping 1:1 relation to Relational Model:

    1. Foreign Key approach: Choose one of the relations-say S-and include a foreign key in S the primary key of T. It is better to choose an entity type with total participation in R in the role of S.

    2. Merged relation option: An alternate mapping of a 1:1 relationship type is possible by merging the two entity types and the relationship into a single relation. This may be appropriate when both participations are total.

    3. Cross-reference or relationship relation option: The third alternative is to set up a third relation R for the purpose of cross-referencing the primary keys of the two relations S and T representing the entity types.

    For more details you can look into this