I have a few places where I need to change how the date format displays in my Alfresco share:
Calendar Format
Needs to be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Date in Info.ftl Control
Needs to be in DDD MM DD YYYY format.
This is being displayed in a data list. Ideally it should read: "Tue Jul 2015 8:27:51 (EST)"
I located common.properties and made the following changes:
## Date Formats
#Used client side (uses Alfresco.util.formatDate)
date-format.default=mmm ddd d yyyy HH:MM:ss
date-format.defaultDateOnly=mmm ddd d yyyy
date-format.mediumDate=mmm d, yyyy
date-format.mediumDateNoYear=mmm d
date-format.longDate=mmmm dd, yyyy
date-format.longDateNoYear=mmmm dd
date-format.fullDate=mmmm, d dddd, yyyy
date-format.fullDateTime=mmmm, d dddd, yyyy 'at' h:MM TT
date-format.shortTime=h:MM TT
date-format.mediumTime=h:MM:ss TT
date-format.longTime=h:MM:ss TT Z
date-format.monthYear=mmmm yyyy
date-format.dayDateMonth=mmmm, d dddd
But none of them seem to affect any date formats anywhere. My questions:
Essentially, I need to change everything to Eastern US time zone and formats.
Different files where date format are mentioned. Each of them are responsible for rendering dates in different places