I was following THIS tutorial in order to implement video calling using WebRTC. The example allows people of the same group to communicate using video or audio and it works well. I was wondering if you could Video call people who are on different pages of the same website without having to be on the specific 'video call page' only?
What is the way to allow incoming calls even when you are not joined in a group? I believe it must be a group request (Sending a request to join from Person A to Person B). Is this possible using WebRTC?
WebRtc is not based on "who is connected to what page".
The connections only happen through your signalling server logic. This means that any webrtc peerconnection can connect to anyother peerconnection as long as your signalling server relays the connection startup logic(SDPs and Ice candidates).
The webpage is only a way to display the media that you have, the javascript you wrote will run on any page you want.