The top of my website needs to have a center-justified 'message stripe' with the following important message: "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem voluptates, obcaecati atque adipisci eligendi esse eum omnis quibusdam illum a eius quia facilis ex, deserunt, molestiae hic recusandae in unde!"
However, when the user makes the window narrower, I don't want unde!
to fall onto a line by itself. Rather, I want everything after eum omnis
to snap to the second line. When it gets even narrower, I want breaks after elit.
and after illum a eius
I'm imagining that this will call for @media queries, but I'm not sure how to go about it.
#msgStripe {
padding: 8px 0;
background: #11dd44;
line-height: 28px;
text-align: center;
<div id="msgStripe">Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatem voluptates, obcaecati atque adipisci eligendi esse eum omnis quibusdam illum a eius quia facilis ex, deserunt, molestiae hic recusandae in unde!</div>
The key is to put line breaks (<br>
tags) in the text, and then manipulate the display property of said <br>
tags with media queries.
For example, you can put <br>
tags with classes like this:
Lorem ipsum <br class="md" /> dolor sit <br class="sm" /> amet
And use media queries to enable them
br {display:none;/*Initially disable line breaks*/}
@media(max-width:1200px) { {display:inline;/*Enable br tags in screen width<=1200*/}
@media(max-width:767px) { {display:inline;/*Enable br tags in screen width<=767*/}
You will have to find the optimal position for placing <br>
tags manually. (by emulating all media query breakpoints) But you get the idea.