I have been using mechanize gem to scrape data from craigslist, I have a piece of code that uploads multiple image to craigslist, all the file paths are correct, but only single image gets uploaded multiple times what's the reason.
unless pic_url_arry.blank?
unless page.links_with(:text => 'Use classic image uploader').first.blank?
page = page.links_with(:text => 'Use classic image uploader').first.click
puts "After classic image uploader"
form = page.form_with(class: "add")
# build full file path before setting like this => file = File.join( APP_ROOT, 'tmp', 'image.jpg')
i = 0
pic_url_arry = pic_url_arry.shuffle
pic_url_arry.each do |p|
form.file_uploads.first.file_name = p
i+= 1
page = form.submit
puts "******#{p.inspect}*******"
puts "******#{page.inspect}*******"
end unless pic_url_arry.blank?
# check if the file uploaded sucessfully with no. of files with no. of imgbox on page.
check_image_uploaded = page.at('figure.imgbox').count
if check_image_uploaded.to_i == i.to_i
# upload failure craiglist or net error.
AND the pic array has value as ["/home/codebajra/www/office/autocraig/public/uploads/posting_pic/pic/1/images__4_.jpg", "/home/codebajra/www/office/autocraig/public/uploads/posting_pic/pic/2/mona200.jpg", "/home/codebajra/www/office/autocraig/public/uploads/posting_pic/pic/3/images__1_.jpg"].
The form holding filefield is being set only once, which is taking only one image that hits first. So, the updated code will be,
unless pic_url_arry.blank?
unless page.links_with(:text => 'Use classic image uploader').first.blank?
page = page.links_with(:text => 'Use classic image uploader').first.click
puts "After classic image uploader"
form = page.form_with(class: "add")
# build full file path before setting like this => file = File.join( APP_ROOT, 'tmp', 'image.jpg')
i = 0
pic_url_arry = pic_url_arry.shuffle
pic_url_arry.each do |p|
form.file_uploads.first.file_name = p
i+= 1
page = form.submit
form = page.form_with(class: "add")
puts "******#{p.inspect}*******"
puts "******#{page.inspect}*******"
end unless pic_url_arry.blank?
# check if the file uploaded sucessfully with no. of files with no. of imgbox on page.
check_image_uploaded = page.at('figure.imgbox').count
if check_image_uploaded.to_i == i.to_i
# upload failure craiglist or net error.
hoping this will solve the problem.