I am stuck with a TPageControl that exhibits some strange behaviour..
The control has 3 pages but when I do
for I:=0 to PageControl.PageCount-1 do begin
PageControl.Pages[I].TabVisible := False;
PageControl.Pages[I].Visible := Ord(iColorScale.GenerationMode) = I;
I get a 'List index out of bounds (3)' error when executing the first line of the first iteration of the loop equivalent to
PageControl.Pages[0].TabVisible := False;
Now, when I view the PageControl properties in the debugger, everything seems to be in order. The PageCount is expectedly 3, and I can see all the pages and their properties, including TabVisible of page 0, in the evaluator
I'm using Delphi XE on a windows 7 machine.. Does anyone have an idea what is going on? I'm at a loss.
tldr: set PageControl.HandleNeeded
before setting TabVisible
There is a good explanation here (by Greg Chapman): TabVisible on TabSheet and index error
For future SO reference (copy/paste):
If the PageControl's handle was destroyed (which can
happen if setting some property in the PageControl or any of its parent windows causes a call to RecreateWnd
), the PageControl saves the visible tabs in a TStringList
). Setting TabVisible
results in a call to this routine:
procedure TTabSheet.SetTabShowing(Value: Boolean);
Index: Integer;
if FTabShowing <> Value then
if Value then
FTabShowing := True;
end else
Index := TabIndex;
FTabShowing := False;
FPageControl.DeleteTab(Self, Index);
During the call to FPageControl.DeleteTab
, the PageControl will recreate its handle if necessary. In doing so, it tries to reset the visible tabs using FSaveTabs
. However, it can get confused because one of the tabs that it added to FSaveTabs
is now invisible (TabSheet.FTabShowing = false
). This causes the IndexError. So the fix is to make sure the handle is recreated before setting TabVisible