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Using razor engine to parse cshtml file

I have two apps. One of them is web app and the other one is mobile app. I am trying to parse one of the views from the web app and compile a html file for the mobile app. The structure of my view in web app is as follows

  1. App.cshtml
    • partialview1.cshtml
    • partialview2.cshtml
    • ....

The web app is built in mvc and I am using Microsoft visual studio cordova to built the mobile apps.

I have a separate project, which takes the App.cshtml and compile index.html for mobile app. Here is the structure of my App.cshtml file

@model Account
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
ViewBag.Title = Texts.App;

@section head{

@section scripts {


    var userId = '@Model.Id';


<div id="appview" class="loading">
<div id="workspace" class="map_canvas">
    <section class="other-stuff">

<div class="locations-list" data-bind="visible:locationView">

<div id="loading-wale">
    <div id="loading-info">
            <i class="spinner">&nbsp;</i>

<div class="show-for-small" id="stick-menu" data-role="footer">
<div class="icon-bar three-up ">
    <a class="item active locations" data-bind="click: openLocationView.bind($data,true)">
        <i class="fi-marker"></i>
    <a class="item maps" data-bind="click: openMapView.bind($data,true)">
        <i class="fi-map"></i>
    <a class="item notifications" data-bind="click: openOrders.bind($data,true)">
        <i class="fi-list"></i>
        <span class="order-notification-counter notification-counter" data-bind=" text: orders().length,visible: orders().length > 0"></span>
        <span class="matches-notification-counter notification-counter" data-bind=" text: matches().length,visible: matches().length > 0"></span>

I have looked into RazorEngine.Razor.Compile, but no luck. I have also looked into this library as well, but couldn't get anywhere.


  • cshtml is run server side,cordova app run in mobile(client)
    so i think you can't run mvc on mobile,you should use some mobile framework
    html as template,js call ajax get data,and bind to html template.