Search code examples

Sort Dictionary by Key Value

let dict: [String:Int] = ["apple":5, "pear":9, "grape":1]

How do you sort the dictionary based on the Int value so that the output is:

sortedDict = ["pear":9, "apple":5, "grape":1]

Current Attempt (doesn't sort correctly):

let sortedDict = sorted(dict) { $0.1 > $1.1 } 


  • You need to sort your dictionary values, not your keys. You can create an array of tuples from your dictionary sorting it by its values as follow:

    Xcode 9 • Swift 4 or Xcode 8 • Swift 3

    let fruitsDict = ["apple": 5, "pear": 9, "grape": 1]
    let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.value > $1.value }
    fruitsTupleArray // [(.0 "pear", .1 9), (.0 "apple", .1 5), (.0 "grape", .1 1)]
    for (fruit,votes) in fruitsTupleArray {
    fruitsTupleArray.first?.key   // "pear"
    fruitsTupleArray.first?.value   // 9

    To sort your dictionary using your keys

    let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted{ $0.key > $1.key }
    fruitsTupleArray  // [(key "pear", value 9), (key "grape", value 1), (key "apple", value 5)]

    To sort your dictionary using its keys and localized comparison:

    let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted { $0.key.localizedCompare($1.key) == .orderedAscending  }


    We can also extend Sequence protocol and implement a custom sort that takes a predicate and sort using a keypath property as long as it conforms to Comparable:

    extension Sequence {
        func sorted<T: Comparable>(_ predicate: (Element) -> T, by areInIncreasingOrder: ((T,T)-> Bool) = (<)) -> [Element] {
            sorted(by: { areInIncreasingOrder(predicate($0), predicate($1)) })


    let sortedFruitsAscending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value)
    let sortedFruitsDescending = fruitsDict.sorted(\.value, by: >)

    This will print

    [(key: "grape", value: 1), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "pear", value: 9)]

    [(key: "pear", value: 9), (key: "apple", value: 5), (key: "grape", value: 1)]


    For Xcode 13 or later you can use a new generic structure called KeyPathComparator:

    let fruitsTupleArray = fruitsDict.sorted(using: KeyPathComparator(\.value, order: .reverse))