I'm using the following code but for some reason the second line isn't converting it into a real date.
DateStr = Replace(DateStr, "-", "/")
DateStr = Format(CDate(DateStr), "dd/mm/yyyy")
DateStr = DateStr + 1
Even if I do:
Dim RealDate As Date
DateStr = Replace(DateStr, "-", "/")
RealDate = Format(CDate(DateStr), "dd/mm/yyyy")
RealDate = RealDate + 1
As you can see from line 3, I am trying to +1 to the day which could also change the month or year potentially.
You are having trouble identifying just where you should be adding 1 to the date. Try,
DateStr = Format(CDate(DateStr) + 1, "dd/mm/yyyy")
The CDate conversion function is where you get the numerical date vaue that will accept the addition of another day.