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How do start using the deployed wirecloud in the lab?

I have just deployed an image of wirecloud on the

I gave it a floating ip and then I connected to it via ssh.

Now what?

I cant find any command to issue in order to start using wirecloud, the entire user guide ( is about the UI.

I tried going to the assigned floating ip but all I get is the page ( from which I cannot log in.

So how do I set up and use the wirecloud once I ssh'ed my way inside the apparently ubuntu machine?


  • The WireCloud Image available on FIWARE Lab deploys a WireCloud instance at /opt/wirecloud_instance. This instance configures a default admin user (credentials: admin/admin). The first step is to modify this admin user, to do so you have to login inside WireCloud and entering the Django admin panel:

    enter image description here

    Once in the admin panel, open "Auth -> Users -> admin" and update your admin user:

    enter image description here

    You can also change the default configuration of this instance (for example, change the default theme, add the emails for error reporting, etc...), please take a look into the Installation and Administration guide for more info.

    P.D. Currently the WireCloud image uses WireCloud 0.6.2. You can update it using the following commands:

    $ pip install -U wirecloud
    $ cd /opt/wirecloud_instance
    $ python syncdb --migrate; python collectstatic --noinput; python compress --force