Whenever I run the rails script/plugin install to install a plugin using git, from github it "hangs".
$ script/plugin -v install http://github.com/ryanstout/blog_kit.git
It "hangs". the -v gives me the following output:
Plugins will be installed using http
git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /home/XXX/vendor/plugins/blog_kit/.git/
git pull --depth 1 http://github.com/ryanstout/blog_kit.git
and that is where it hangs. ('XXX' is edited by me in this outout)
When I break off that command, with ^C, and run 'git pull --depth 1 ... by hand, it hangs too.
'lsof -i | grep github' shows the following:
git-remot 11710 ber 8u IPv4 182786 0t0 TCP yasmine.fritz.box:42324->github.com:www (CLOSE_WAIT) git-remot 11710 ber 9u IPv4 182798 0t0 TCP yasmine.fritz.box:42325->github.com:www (CLOSE_WAIT) git 11712 ber 8u IPv4 182786 0t0 TCP yasmine.fritz.box:42324->github.com:www (CLOSE_WAIT)
so it appears there actually is a connection, but nothing gets pulled in.
Any ideas what I can do to dive deeper into this issue? Did I miss some README?
Thanks to ewall, I found the answer.
Instead of:
script/plugin -v install http://github.com/ryanstout/blog_kit.git
script/plugin -v install git://github.com/ryanstout/blog_kit.git