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Scala Parser Combinator Replace Patterns

I got a below program, I can parse the pattern like convert(a.ACCOUNT_ID, string) to the expression, but I want to replace this pattern with CAST(a.ACCOUNT_ID AS VARCHAR). I can do parse the result expression and replace the strings with the one above but there are expressions like this hence I don't want to do that way.. Is there any way that I can do a pattern replace? Like if I find a pattern as convert(a.ACCOUNT_ID, string) then replace it with CAST(a.ACCOUNT_ID AS VARCHAR)

import scala.util.parsing.combinator._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.lexical._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.syntactical._
import scala.util.parsing.combinator.token._
import scala.util.parsing.input.CharSequenceReader

trait QParser  extends RegexParsers with JavaTokenParsers  {
  def knownFunction: Parser[Any] = ident ~ "(" ~ ident ~ ("." ~ ident <~ "," ~ ident ~ ")")

  def parse(inputString: String): Any = synchronized {
    phrase(knownFunction)(new CharSequenceReader(inputString)) match {
      case Success(result, _) => result
      case Failure(msg,_) => throw new DataTypeException(msg)
      case Error(msg,_) => throw new DataTypeException(msg)

 class DataTypeException(message: String) extends Exception(message)


object Parser extends QParser {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
     println(parse("convert(a.ACCOUNT_ID, string)"));

Output: (((convert~()~a)~(.~ACCOUNT_ID))


  • I am not exactly sure what you mean with "there are expressions like this hence I don't want to do that way", but you can transform the result of your parser function using the ^^ operator.

    A transformation function for your parser could be :

    def knownFunction: Parser[String] = 
      ident ~ "(" ~ ident ~ "." ~ ident ~ "," ~ ident ~ ")" ^^ {
        case func ~ "(" ~ obj ~ "." ~ value ~ "," ~ castType ~ ")" =>
          val sqlFunc = Map("convert" -> "CAST")
          val sqlType = Map("string" -> "VARCHAR")
          s"${sqlFunc(func)}($obj.$value AS ${sqlType(castType)})"

    Using this updated function, the output of your application would be :


    More information about the Scala Combinator Parsing can be found in a chapter of Programming in Scala, 1ed.