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gettin mysql 1064 error while insert into

like i said in the header i'm getting that annoying error and it showed up from nowhere and i couldnt find a solution from internet.

anyway here is my code

$kayitsorgu = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `kresler`(`il_no`, `ilce_no`, `uye_adi`, 
                `kat_no`, `icerik`, `icerik2`, `premic1`, `thubnail`, `kres_ad`, `kres_adres`, 
                `kres_mail`, `tel1`, `fax`, `kres_drc`, `anao`, `oz1`, `oz2`, `oz3`, 
                `oz4`, `oz5`, `oz6`, `oz7`, `oz8`, `oz9`, `oz10`) 
                VALUES ($il_no,$ilce_no,$uye_adi,$kat_no,$icerik,$icerik2,$premic1,$thubnail,

please help me i'm trying to fix this like 2-3 days.


  • give this a shot:

    $frag1="INSERT INTO kresler(il_no, ilce_no, uye_adi,kat_no, icerik, icerik2, premic1, thubnail, kres_ad,";
    $frag2=" kres_adres, kres_mail, tel1, fax, kres_drc, anao, oz1, oz2, oz3, oz4, oz5, oz6, oz7, oz8, oz9, oz10)";
    $frag3=" VALUES ('$il_no','$ilce_no','$uye_adi','$kat_no','$icerik','$icerik2','$premic1','$thubnail',";
    $kayitsorgu = mysql_query($exec_me);

    when run, $exec_me=

    put here

    error message:

    put here