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Error: Install Failure: No manifest. Invalid package.Install Failure: No manifest

Hi I am just beginning with Roku development. I downloaded the sdk and have been trying to run an hello world application. I have a source folder and a manifest file. But I still keep getting the following error:

Error: Install Failure: No manifest. Invalid package.Install Failure: No manifest.

Here is the code for hello world:

sub Main()
  ' create our screen
  screen = CreateObject("roPosterScreen") 

  ' setup a message port so we can receive event information
  port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

  ' change the screen's message text
  screen.ShowMessage("Hello World!")

  ' start our event loop
  while true
    msg = Wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

    if type(msg) = "roPosterScreenEvent"
      ' we got a poster screen event
      if msg.isScreenClosed()
        ' the user closed the screen
        exit while
      end if
    end if
  end while

  ' any time all screens in a channel are closed, the channel will exit
end sub

When I upload the examples that came with the sdk it works fine But when I try to replace the example app's Main function's code with above code I get the error specified above.

I have been looking all over the internet about this but did not help much. Any suggestions would be really appreciated.


  • This sounds like your files are not zipped "correctly" in the package. Make sure the manifest file is at top level in the zip and not in a subdirectory.

    It's a common mistake people pointing at the project directory - right-click and zip it like so - but that includes the root directory name in the paths too. Get inside the project dir, select all files and source directory and zip this way instead.