I have a basic program which sends a message from thread to thread and replaces a character each time. My problem is that the random number generated in each thread is always the same. Here is my code:
if (me+1 == npe) then
a = 0
a = me + 1
end if
if (me == 0) then
b = npe-1
b = me-1
end if
if (me == 0) then
call MPI_Send(msg, len(msg), MPI_CHARACTER, a, tag, comm, ierr)
call MPI_Recv(msg, len(msg), MPI_CHARACTER, b, tag, comm, stat, ierr)
call random_number(u)
j = FLOOR(14*u)
msg(j:j) = "?"
call MPI_Send(msg, len(msg), MPI_CHARACTER, a, tag, comm, ierr)
end if
if (me == 0) then
call MPI_Recv(msg, len(msg), MPI_CHARACTER, b, tag, comm, stat, ierr)
end if
me = thread number, npe = total number of threads
everything works except for the random generated number. I tried using call random_seed(me) but it doesn't work.
You are not using RANDOM_SEED()
correctly. With a single (scalar) dummy argument, you are in fact querying SIZE
, which
specifies the minimum size of the arrays used with the PUT and GET arguments.
The correct usage is
call random_seed(put=seed)
where seed is an array (of size 12 on my machine/gfortran
See the documentation for an example that you can adjust to your needs, i.e. use a different seed for each process. You could, e.g. choose a different prime in pcg
according to the current rank. Do not multiply with the rank since this might give a zero seed, which is explicitly mentioned not to do in the reference...