I am working with BuddyPress; and, there are many actions, such as: do_action('bp_before_wrapper')
, do_action( 'bp_before_bodywrap' )
, do_action( 'bp_before_container' )
...; bu, I didn't find where define such actions.
Are they default actions in BuddyPress?
is a WordPress call. There may be actions hooked to a do_action or it may just be there so developers can call it if they want.
For example do_action( 'bp_before_container' );
is not hooked to anything, but you could write a function that hooks to it.
function snail_content() {
echo 'I am a snail';
add_action('bp_before_container', 'snail_content' );
Read the WP codex re do_action.
btw - do_action( 'bp_before_container' );
is in bp-themes which is deprecated. Use the files in bp-templates.