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Xcode 6 Constraints with button images

I am creating an app that have a dashboard with 11 images..

1 is the background, 1 are the lines that divide the button and 9 are the button with images.

I tried several times with the automatic constraints assignment but I also tried manually and I can't figure it out how to setup the constraints correctly. I followed also a lot of tutorial. If you watch the image below, you can see that the button/images especially in the iPhone 4 are weird!

enter image description here


  • you have to take a view which contains a button....after that just follow the below image for set up view constraints...You have 9 images ...I just gave you demo with 7 buttons

    enter image description here

    and for button there is just 4 constraints...I setup for just need to follow for all buttons...

    enter image description here

    And here is the result image...

    enter image description here