Our apppools recycle at around 02:00 nightly. I want to create a processdump after the recycle but the process ID changes after a recycle.
How can i get the process ID of the recycled apppool based on the apppool identity (Username running the process) or apppool name?
I tried running:
appcmd list wp
This gave me the names + id's. How can i filter this result to save only the Id based on a specific name into a variable using powershell?
I was thinking about something like :
$processId = appcmd list wp | Where-Object {$_.apppool -eq "MyApp_web"}
Thanks in advance,
$workerprocess = appcmd list wp /apppool.name:"MyApp_Web"
returns the following: WP "6816" (applicationPool:MyApp_Web)
Now i just want the ID of this proces, not all the other data
EDIT 2 : Thanks to Vesper
$WebWorker = appcmd list wp /apppool.name:"MyApp_Web"
if ($WebWorker -match "\d+") { $WebId=$matches[0] }
In your case, all you need to do is get the PID out of the string. Since a PID is a sequence of digits, you can use a regex-match to get the matching region, like this:
if ($workerprocess -match "\d+") { $pid=$matches[0] }
This will return 6816
out of your string.