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Render precompilled nunjucks (browserify+nunjucksify) with ampersand-view

Trying to render browserify+nunjucksify-ed precompiled templates in a an ampersand-view.

This works as expectd:

var tpl = require('app1/template-1.nunj');
console.log(tpl.render({name: 'flemming', isDancing: 'perhaps'}))

This does not:

var MainView = View.extend({
    template: tpl.render,
    bindings: {
        '': '[data-hook=name]'

The error i get is

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'dev' of undefined

AFAIK, this means that the this for the nunjucks is wrong. Ampersand-view sets itself as this for the rendering function, overshadowing what nunjucks expects this to be.

Any solutions?


  • Disregard this issue, I'm leaving just in case others have the same issue.

    The problem is non-existent, as nunjucks needs to render the template before we set/pass it to the view. This way the first rendering will fill in all non-model (static) props, such as translations etc, and then the view handles all model-props.

    ...I think.