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Close/Deactivate WCSession

I am developing an iPhone app (iOS 9 beta) with watch extension (watchOS 2), and to pass the data from watch to phone I am using WCSession.

I have 2 different view controllers using WCSessions, so for each of the controller I am instantiating new WCSession object. For the first view controller it works fine, but when I want to receive messages in second view controller, few initial messages are still being sent to first controller.

Is there any way I can deactivate / disable session of first view controller before going to second controller? Or are there any other options I should look into?



  • When you are passing data back and forth you are sending Dictionaries. If you specify good keys you could get the appropriate data for each ViewController.



    [session updateApplicationContext:@{@"viewController1": @"item1"} error:&error];


    [session updateApplicationContext:@{@"viewController2": @"item2"} error:&error];

    When you are receiving data:

    - (void) session:(nonnull WCSession *)session didReceiveApplicationContext:(nonnull NSDictionary<NSString *,id> *)applicationContext {
        if ([applicationContext objectForKey:@"viewController1"]) {
            //ViewController1 data
        } else if ([applicationContext objectForKey:@"viewController2"]) {
            //ViewController2 data

    Look at the answer here to learn more about WC Send messages between iOS and WatchOS with WatchConnectivity in watchOS2