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TinyButStrong created dynamic <th> with dynamic <tr> and <td> looping issue

I want to create the leave report of employee in calender table view as attached image.

enter image description here

i have fetched employee from controller and stored in and array.
same way i am fetching the dates(based on selected year and month) in controller and stored in an array.
based on this employee and date, i am fetching the leaves of each employee and stored in an array.


    $month = 7;
    $year = 2015;
            for($d=1; $d<=31; $d++)//for dynamic dates as displayed in image
                $time=mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $d, $year);          
                if (date('m', $time)==$month)       
                $this->data['blk4'][]['date']=date('d', $time);
                $this->data['blk5'][]['day']=date('D', $time);
            $data['employee'] = $this->teamprofile_model->allTeamMembers('team_profile_full_name', 'ASC');//fetching all amployee

            foreach($data['employee'] as $d)//for each employee checking the leave
                foreach($this->data['blk6'] as $date)//for each date
                    if($Q->num_rows() > 0)
                        foreach ($Q->result_array() as $row)
                            $data1[] = $row;
                    $this->data['blk8'][]['leave'] = $data1[0]['leave_time'];//stored leave of each employee in this array


<table class="footable table table-bordered table-hover" border="1">
                 <th>Employee</th>//display employee
                 <th><!--[;block=th;comm]--><br/><!--[;block=th;comm]--></th> //display dates as displying in above image
       <tbody class="">
                <td><!--[blk7.all_team_members;block=tr;comm]--></td>//dynamic employee list
                <td>here i want to display the leave stored in [blk8.leave]</td>                     

but the problem is that the [blk8.leave] stored all employees leave of each dates so if i print it as [blk8.leave;block=td;comm] then it print all array value in one row. I want to break this array after month's end date that is 31.

enter image description here

output should be :

enter image description here


  • The problem is your Leave data is structured linearly while it need to be associated with a date.

    TBS (TinyButStrong) as a built in feature for merging tables with dynamics columns (or other similar structure).

    The example under is very similar to your problem, you can adapt it easily.

    But the structure of your data should be amended. Here is an example of how the data could be:

            $blk7 = array();
            foreach($data['employee'] as $d)//for each employee checking the leave
                $employee = array(
                    'team_profile_id' => $d['team_profile_id'],
                    'all_team_members' => $d['all_team_members'],
                foreach($this->data['blk6'] as $date)//for each date
                    if($Q->num_rows() > 0)
                        foreach ($Q->result_array() as $row)
                            $data1[] = $row;
                    $column = 'leave_' . $date['dates'];
                    $employee[$column] = $data1[0]['leave_time'];//stored leave of each employee in this array
                $blk7[] = $employee;