I am using Hybrid Auth to login to facebook, twitter and linkedin but at first i get exception "No provider ID specified." but when i go back and try again it works fine weird :(. here's my code
$config = dirname(__FILE__).
$db = new DB_Functions();
try {
// echo "store provider in session";
$_SESSION["provider"] = $_POST["provider"];
$provider = $_POST["provider"];
//echo " init hauth\n";
$hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($config);
// authenticate the current user with Twitter
//echo "before login\n"+$provider;
$auth_provider = $hybridauth - > authenticate($_POST["provider"]);
// $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth( $config );
//echo "after login\n";
// echo "get hauth session";
// echo $_POST["provider"];
$hybridauth_session_data = $hybridauth - > getSessionData();
// echo (string)$hybridauth_session_data;
// echo "get user ID";
$user_profile = $auth_provider - > getUserProfile();
$identifier = $user_profile - > profileURL;
if (!$db - > isUserExisted($identifier)) {
// then store it on your database or somethin
$res = $db - > store_hybridauth_session($_SESSION["provider"], $hybridauth_session_data, $identifier);
// echo "<br/> DB insert query Result:".$res." mysqli error: ".mysqli_error();
$auth_provider - > logout();
} else {
$auth_provider - > logout();
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo "Ooophs, we got an error: ".$e - > getMessage().
" go back and try again";
I found your error.this error in auth.php file. That file contains like this code below
return array(
"base_url" => "http://www.gling.in/oauth2callback/auth",
"Google"=> array(
"enabled" =>TRUE,
"keys" =>array("id"=>"34845538gd7t45fgdfg8787fdgdf2462-mi5jh8cemle7dagr8a8317eggddglmg2.apps.googleusercontent.com",
"scope"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile,email"."https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email "
So you should did mistake in this place google. you want to change your social network.. if you are using facebook,you must put in this place Facebook.Thank you.