Search code examples

format of result in sunspot-solr

Im using Sunspot Solr in Rails. My code looks as below :

searchable do
  text :title, :stored => true
  string :id, :stored => true
  integer :status, :stored => true

and In my controller, after performing the search when I go to store it in a hash:

one_result= {:title => hit.stored(:title), :id => hit.stored(:id)}

now when I do puts one_result.inspect, I get:

{"title": ["THIS IS TITLE"]

The problem is that all the text field become array [..]. I want to include the results in a json response. I want it to be :

{"title": "THIS IS TITLE"

Any help ?


  • I guess the fieldType for the field "Title" is defined as multivalued="true" in schema.xml.

    Please make it as false so that you get it as a string.