I have downloaded sdk of oovvoo from here https://github.com/oovoodev/Android-SDK-Sample and integrated video calling successfully.I register app on oovvoo's website and get app-id and token for this.
The problem is I am not getting oovvoo sign up page, so not able to chose user for video call. In this situation all the users adding in the conference. I need a way to implement manage user and user selection for video calling. I have seen- call.http://support.oovoo.com/link/portal/3908/4244/Article/1291/Quick-Start-Guide-for-Android but there is no implementation guidance for developers. Do we need to handle users on our end by the user-id or oovvoo providing this feature on its any sample.
i tried "oovoosdk-android-" also but still have same issue.
Can any one please tell me how to register multiple test user on oovvoo for video call for a single application. Please help.
I got the reply from oovvoo support team. For Now they don't have user management section in provided SDK. They send this- "ooVoo SDK doesn't provide today user identity management. we are going to release in one month chat and signaling functionality and where you will be able to provide user ID and the user will join a call."