hello I would like to remove all filenames from my url :
here is what I have tried :
$file_info = pathinfo('http://website.com/folder1/folder2/filename.php');
echo $file_info['dirname'];
outputs http://website.com/folder1/folder2/ wich is what I want , but when I try this :
$file_info = pathinfo('http://website.com/folder1/folder2/');
echo $file_info['dirname'];
it outputs http://website.com/folder1/.
now what I want is if the url contains a filename then it gets removed , and if url has only folders then do nothing .
(I don't want to use .htaccess for this)
Assuming that all filenames have an extension:
$url1 = 'http://website.com/folder1/folder2/filename.php';
$url2 = 'http://website.com/folder1/folder2/';
echo removeFilename($url1) . "\n";
echo removeFilename($url2) . "\n";
function removeFilename($url)
$file_info = pathinfo($url);
return isset($file_info['extension'])
? str_replace($file_info['filename'] . "." . $file_info['extension'], "", $url)
: $url;