I searched but did not find a helpful information. Trying to deal with the REST API Client, I am use robospice in conjunction with retofit, I want to look at the request string that is sent to the service. Is it possible to pull an entire string URL from Robospice or Retrofit?
Here is my interface:
public interface GoogleSearchInterface {
public static final String BASE_URL = "https://www.googleapis.com/customsearch";
public static final String API_KEY = "AIzaSyCCuxxVLzm2sZP-adhRNYKeSck1mMMgsAM";
public static final String CUSTOM_SEARCH_ID = "001734592082236324715:sob9rqk49yg";
public static final String SEARCH_TYPE_IMAGE = "image";
static final String FILTER = "&fields=queries(nextPage(startIndex,count),request(startIndex,count)),searchInformation(totalResults),items(title,link,displayLink,mime," +
static final String QUERY = "/v1?key="+API_KEY+
public GoogleSearchResponse search(@Query("q") String query,
@Query("start") long startIndex);
public GoogleSearchResponse search(@Query("q") String query,
@Query("start") long startIndex,
@Query("searchType") String searchType,
@Query("limit") String limit,
@Query("offset") String offset);
String query;
long startIndex;
String limit;
String offset;
public SampleRetrofitSpiceRequest(String query,long startIndex,String limit,String offset) {
this.query = query;
this.startIndex = startIndex;
public SampleRetrofitSpiceRequest(String query, long startIndex) {
super(GoogleSearchResponse.class, GoogleSearchInterface.class);
this.query = query;
this.startIndex = startIndex;
public GoogleSearchResponse loadDataFromNetwork() throws Exception {
return getService().search(query,startIndex);
public class SampleRetrofitSpiceService extends RetrofitGsonSpiceService {
public void onCreate() {
protected String getServerUrl() {
return GoogleSearchInterface.BASE_URL;
Method which send request
public void sendRequest(String query,int page){
searchQuery = query;
request = new SampleRetrofitSpiceRequest(query, page);
spiceManager.execute(request, query, DurationInMillis.ONE_WEEK, new RequestImageListener());
/* try {
spiceManager.getFromCache(GoogleSearchResponse.class, "country",DurationInMillis.ONE_WEEK,new RequestImageListener());
}catch(Exception e){
P.S. I'm writing an application that will make image search, first 10 result successfully loading but next page is repeating previous page. I fight with this lot of time, &start parameter of google api that sent in spiceRequst is ignored. Thank you.
The solution was to override this method in custom SpiceService.class
protected RestAdapter.Builder createRestAdapterBuilder() {
RestAdapter.Builder builder = new RestAdapter.Builder()
return builder;