I am currently learning how to make scripts a bit more verbose. The below code shows a spinner. However, I am having difficulties modifying this spinner to have the words such as 'Downloading'. I want both the words and spinner to appear beside each other. I am not asking how to implement spinner for progress but how to concatenate with words. How could achieve this goal?
spin() {
printf "\b${sp:sc++:1}"
((sc==${#sp})) && sc=0
endspin() {
printf "\r%s\n" "$@"
until work_done; do
some_work ...
While I admire the DIY spirit of Ed and Jakuje I also like to reuse other folks code. If you'd rather recycle than recreate consider Louis Marascio's spinner. I put his spinner()
function into my shell library and it is easy to use:
. lib.sh
run_10s &
echo -n wait
spinner $!
echo -e "\rdone"
$ ./test_lib
wait [/]
for 10 seconds with the spinner spinning and then it clears that line left containing wait
with the \r
and you are left with just
$ ./test_lib
on the screen.