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How to generate a Mandelbrot with T-SQL?

Learning a little about T-SQL, and thought an interesting exercise would be to generate a Mandelbrot set with it.

Turns out someone already has (and recently, it appears). I'll let someone else post it as an answer, but I'm curious what optimizations can be made.

Alternately, what would you do to make the code more readable?

I'll select the most readable (yet reasonably compact) version as the accepted answer (too bad we don't have rep bounties yet!) unless someone really comes along with a great optimization.

Bonus points to those answers that teach me a little something about T-SQL.



  • Create PROCEDURE dbo.mandlebrot
    @left float,
    @right float,
    @Top float,
    @Bottom float,
    @Res float,
    @MaxIterations Integer = 500
    Set NoCount On
    Declare @Grid Table (
        X float Not Null, 
        Y float Not Null,
        InSet Bit
       Primary Key (X, Y))
    Declare @Xo float, @Yo float, @Abs float
    Declare @PtX Float, @PtY Float
    Declare @Iteration Integer Set @Iteration = 0
    Select @Xo = @Left, @Yo = @Bottom
    While @Yo <= @Top Begin
        While @Xo <= @Right Begin
            Select @PtX = @Xo, @PtY = @Yo
            While @Iteration < @MaxIterations 
                And (Square(@PtX) + Square(@PtY)) < 4.0 Begin
                Select @PtX = Square(@PtX) - Square(@PtY) + @Xo,
                       @PtY = 2* @PtX * @PtY + @Yo
                Select @Iteration, @PtX, @PtY
                Set @Iteration = @Iteration + 1
            Insert @Grid(X, Y, InSet) 
            Values(@Xo, @Yo, Case 
                When @Iteration < @MaxIterations
                        Then 1 Else 0 End)
            Set @Xo = @Xo + @res
            Set @Iteration = 0
        Select @Xo = @Left, 
               @Yo = @Yo + @Res
    Select * From @Grid