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NSRegularExpression cannot find capturing group matches

I'm trying to parse a string using one regular expression pattern.

Here is the pattern:


Here is the text to be parsed:

"base" {

I want to find these 4 capturing groups:

1. "
2. base
3. "
4. {

I am using the following code trying to capture those groups

class func matchesInCapturingGroups(text: String, pattern: String) -> [String] {
    var results = [String]()

    let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, count(text))
    var index = 0

    if let matches = regexp(pattern)?.matchesInString(text, options: NSMatchingOptions.ReportCompletion, range: textRange) as? [NSTextCheckingResult] {
        for match in matches {
            // this match = <NSExtendedRegularExpressionCheckingResult: 0x7fac3b601fd0>{0, 8}{<NSRegularExpression: 0x7fac3b70b5b0> (")(.+)(")\s*(\{) 0x1}
            results.append(self.substring(text, range: match.range))

    return results

Unfortunately it is able to find only one group with range (0, 8) which is equal to: "base" {. So it finds one group which is the entire string instead of 4 groups.

Is that even possible to get those groups using NSRegularExpression?


  • Yes, of course it is possible. You just have to change your current logic for finding the actual groups:

    func matchesInCapturingGroups(text: String, pattern: String) -> [String] {
        var results = [String]()
        let textRange = NSMakeRange(0, text.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding))
        do {
            let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: [])
            let matches = regex.matchesInString(text, options: NSMatchingOptions.ReportCompletion, range: textRange)
            for index in 1..<matches[0].numberOfRanges {
                results.append((text as NSString).substringWithRange(matches[0].rangeAtIndex(index)))
            return results
        } catch {
            return []
    let pattern = "(\")(.+)(\")\\s*(\\{)"
    print(matchesInCapturingGroups("\"base\" {", pattern: pattern))

    You actually only get 1 match. You have to go into that match and in there you will find the captured groups. Note that I omit the first group since the first group represents the entire match.

    This will output

    [""", "base", """, "{"]

    Note the escaped regex string and make sure that you are using the same one.