I am using a Bootstrap 3 modal. I have a text input inside the modal and a link when clicked will create new text input fields below the first one to a maximum of 4 fields. My code works fine and it creates more input fields.
But, when I close the modal and open it again there are more than one input text field depending on the number of times I clicked the link previously. I don't want this to happen - when I close the modal and open it again I would like to see only one input text field (initial state) and not see the changes to the DOM in the modal. Is this possible?
You want to use the hide.bs.modal event based on the BOotstrap Javascript documentation here
First I would add a class to all the input elements and newly rendered div elements clearAfterClose for inputs and hideAfterClose for divelements. Then I would create my Jquery function as:
$('#myModal').on('hide.bs.modal', function(e) {
This will fire whenever the modal is hidden and clear all input elements with the the clas clearAfterClose and hide all divs with the clas hideAfterClose. I created a codepen for demonstration here