(source: roughnotebook at sites.google.com)
I need to switch from the XY co-ordinate system shown above to the X'Y' co-ordinate system using System::Drawing::Drawing2D (i.e. GDI+). This is what I have in mind:
float rotation = // +90 below is because AB is the new vertical...
Math::Atan2(pB.Y - pA.Y, pB.X - pA.X) * 180.0 / Math::PI + 90.0f;
Matrix m;
m.Translate(pA.X, pA.Y);
array<PointF> points = gcnew array<PointF>{ pC };
Is there a way to do this while minimizing rounding errors? Can I avoid the Atan2
(or other inverse trigonometric function) call here?
I'm not familiar with gdi+, but in principle you can do this without inverse trig or operator inversion. (I say "operator inversion" instead of "matrix inversion" because this Matrix
doesn't look like a matrix to me.)
First, you should be able to avoid the matrix inversion by changing the way you define the operator. Here's a blind stab at it:
Matrix m;
m.Translate(-pA.X, -pA.Y);
Now for the rotation itself, the usual way to do it is with a matrix that looks like this:
cos(theta) -sin(theta)
sin(theta) cos(theta)
and you're calculating theta using atan(y/x). But if what you want are the sin and cos, you can just normalize x and y and use them directly:
x -y
y x
No atan needed. In fact, no trig at all!