I have GTFS data stored in a local mongodb database.
The calendar
table looks like
field | type
service_id | varchar
monday | int (0 or 1)
tuesday | int (0 or 1)
sunday | int (0 or 1)
I would like to select all the service_id
s for which any weekday (Monday to Friday) = 1, using the rmongodb
package in r
In SQL this would be something like: SELECT service_id FROM calendar WHERE monday = 1 OR tuesday = 1 OR ... OR friday = 1
When using the Robomongo GUI the query is:
db.getCollection('calendar').find({"$or" :
which returns 8 documents (see image)
Therefore, in r
I'm trying to construct the same or
query that will return the same results, but I'm not having any luck.
## connect to db
mongo <- mongo.create()
db <- "temp"
## days for which I want a service:
serviceDays <- c("monday","tuesday","wednesday","thursday","friday")
Attempt 0:
## create list as the 'query' condition
ls <- list("$or" =
list("monday" = 1L,
"tuesday" = 1L,
"wednesday" = 1L,
"thursday" = 1L,
"friday" = 1L))
services <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "temp.calendar", query=ls)
## returns error:
Error in mongo.find(mongo, ns, query = query, sort = sort, fields = fields, :
find failed with unknown error.
Attempt 1:
## paste the string together
js <- paste0('{"', serviceDays, '":[',1L,']}', collapse=",")
js <- paste0('{"$or" :[', js, ']}')
## this string has been validated at
bs <- mongo.bson.from.JSON(js)
## run query
services <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "temp.calendar", query=bs)
## result
> services
list() ## empty list
## manually writing the JSON string doesn't work either
# js <- '{"$or" : [{"monday":[1]},{"tuesday":[1]},{"wednesday":[1]},{"thursday":[1]},{"friday":[1]}]}'
Attempt 2:
## create the or condition using R code
l <- as.list(sapply(serviceDays, function(y) 1L))
bs <- mongo.bson.from.list(list("$or" = list(l)))
## run query
services <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "temp.calendar", query=bs)
## result
> length(services)
[1] 2 ## 2 documents returned
The two documents returned are for service_id
s where all of monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday = 1. i.e., it seems to have used an AND
clause, not an OR
Attempt 3:
## deconstruct the JSON string (attempt 1)
js <- fromJSON(js, simplifyVector=FALSE)
bs <- mongo.bson.from.list(js)
## run query
services <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "temp.calendar", query=bs)
## result
> services
list() ## empty list
what's wrong with my query attempts in R
that prevents me getting the same 8 documents I get when using the Robomongo GUI?
My 'attempt 0' was close, but I was missing more list
ls <- list("$or" = list(list("monday" = 1L),
list("tuesday" = 1L),
list("wednesday" = 1L),
list("thursday"= 1L),
list("friday" = 1L)))
## json string:
> toJSON(ls)
## run query:
services <- mongo.find.all(mongo, "temp.calendar", query=ls)
## result
[1] 8