I'm facing a problem. I'm learning c++. I took a poker context ; The goal is to get a certain hand range from a string length ; the string represents all starting hands in a poker game , in the order stronger first.
string hand = "AA,KK,QQ,JJ,AKs,AKo,AQs,AQo,TT,AJs,ATs,AJo,KQs,KJs,KTs,QJs,ATo,QTs,JTs,A9s,A9o,KQo,A8s,A8o,A7s,A7o,A6s,A6o,A5s,A5o,A4s,99,A4o,A3s,A2s,KJo,J9s,T9s,Q9s,QJo,KTo,Q9o,88,77,66,QTo,A3o,A2o,JTo,K9s,K8s,K7s,K6s,K5s,K4s,K3s,K2s,Q8s,Q7s,Q6s,Q5s,K9o,J8s,T8s,98s,97s,87s,86s,76s,96s,75s,65s,64s,J9o,T9o,55,54s,53s,52s,K8o,43s,32s,42s,J7s,T7s,K7o,44,33,22,Q4s,Q3s,Q2s,J6s,J5s,T6s,T5s,J4s,K6o,Q8o,J8o,T8o,98o,97o,87o,85s,K5o,K4o,K3o,K2o,95s,74s,76o,65o,54o,84s,94s,Q7o,J7o,T7o,Q6o,J3s,T4s,J2s,Q5o,T3s,T2s,Q4o,J6o,86o,T6o,96o,93s,Q3o,74o,84o,75o,64o,T2o,94o,53o,93o,63o,43o,92o,73o,83o,52o,82o,42o,62o,72o,J5o,63s,92s,73s,Q2o,J4o,83s,85o,82s,T5o,95o,J3o,62s,T4o,J2o,72s,T3o,32o";
The length of the string hand is 662 ; To get the range we need to exclude a percentage of the starting hand and exclude a percentage of the ending hand .
So if I need the last 10% hands, I will exclude first 90% . if I need between 30% and 60% , I will exclude first 29% and last 39% .
It's difficult because the string cannot cut anywhere, a good output should be for example 72o,J5o,63s,92s,73s,Q2o,J4o,83s,
with or without the comma to the end, this is not the most important.
I tried to create a substring like this :
int startpos = 0;
int stoppos= (662 * 7) / 100;
string str2 = hand.substr(startpos, stoppos);
cout << str2 << endl;
But this not the answer to the range problem. It gets only the first X%, and the cut is bad , output is : AA,KK,QQ,JJ,A
and should be : AA,KK,QQ,JJ,AKs
I spent many hours on this. I'm open for advice, directions, and even a solution ..
Regards, gui
Here's one way to do it: take your string, convert it to a sequence, discard parts of the sequence you are uninterested in, then convert that back to a string.
So here's how I would do this in Python:
start, stop = 30, 60
hands = 'AA,KK,QQ,JJ,AKs,AKo,AQs,AQo,TT,AJs,ATs,AJo,KQs,KJs,KTs,QJs,\
hands = hands.split(',')
hands = hands[start * len(hands) / 100 : stop * len(hands) / 100]
print ','.join(hands)
With help from two Stackoverflow threads here and here, I translated the Python code to (admittedly not idiomatic) C++:
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> &split(const string &s, char delim, vector<string> &elems) {
stringstream ss(s);
string item;
while (getline(ss, item, delim)) {
return elems;
vector<string> split(const string &s, char delim) {
vector<string> elems;
split(s, delim, elems);
return elems;
int main() {
// percentage markers to keep, 30% -- 60% here
int start = 30, stop = 60;
string hands = "AA,KK,QQ,JJ,AKs,AKo,AQs,AQo,TT,AJs,ATs,AJo,KQs,KJs,KTs,QJs,\
vector<string> hands_ = split(hands, ',');
start = start * hands_.size() / 100;
stop = stop * hands_.size() / 100;
stringstream buffer;
for (size_t i = start; i < stop; ++i) {
if(i != start)
buffer << ',';
buffer << hands_[i];
string output = buffer.str();
cout << output << endl;
return 0;