I saw a job description with the term Real-Time Software Development:
Software Engineers at Boeing develop solutions that provide world class performance and capability to customers around the world. Boeing Defense, Space and Security in St. Louis is looking for software engineers to join the growing and talented teams developing modeling and simulation software for a variety of applications, including flight control and aerodynamic performance, weapon and sensor systems, simulation tools and more. The software is integrated with live assets to enable a next-generation virtual battle environment to explore new system concepts and optimal engineering solutions.
Our software engineers are responsible for full life-cycle software development which means you will have a hand in defining the requirements; designing, implementing and testing the software. You will work with a team in a casual but professional environment where there is long-term potential for career growth into management or technical leadership positions.
**Languages & Databases** Real-time SW Development Tool Real-time Target Environment Job:*Software Engineer
I can't figure out what that means in this context, what does Real Time Software development mean?
Real time in this context means software that always run in the same time. Normal server and desktop OSes such as Mac, Linux, and Windows have multitasking without exact scheduling, making it impossible to say exactly how long time it will take for a piece of code to run. In a real time OS, the time it will take a piece of code is always the same.
This is used in space craft, aircraft and similar areas.
Not to be confused with real time processing speed, eg. encoding video in real time means to encode it as fast as the frames are coming.